Red Dead Redemption is an open-world, third-person, action-adventure game set at the tail end of the American West West era. Action takes place in the first few years of the twentieth century and revolves around the choices that the protagonist, former outlaw John Marston, is forced to make due to his blemished past. The game features a morality system assigning honor and fame points generated through the players choices. It also features Wild West themed mini-games, new targeting and cover systems, extensive horse riding ab...
The Integral Xpression Animal Collection Flash Drives feature fun, double-sided designs with an animal character on one side and an animal skin pattern on the reverse. For more information please visit integralmemory...
Eye-Fi Pro X2: the most powerful memory card ever. Class 6 read & write speeds for high performance shooting. The power of 802.11n wireless uploads from your camera to your computer and favorite sharing site. And thats just the beginning....
SanDisk shows you how to use a U3 smart drive, which includes built-in security for your files, auto-launching without installing any software and applications such as Mozilla Firefox and Thunderbird, Skype, Sudoku, Accomplice and many many more at software.U3....
The Integral 360 USB Flash Drive has a clever design allowing the USB socket to rotate 360°, providing easy access to your data and eliminating the need for a cap. For more information please visit integralmemory...
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